When is the strawberry season? Also, how to choose a sweet strawberry.


Strawberries are available at grocery stores all year round. But not all strawberries are the same and some taste better at certain times of the year. Why is that It all comes down to when the strawberries are actually in season, that is, when they ripen naturally. Knowing when the strawberry season is in your area will help you to enjoy the most delicious fruits. And growing or picking strawberries yourself ensures that you get the freshest, sweetest crop. So, here's how to find out when your nearest growing strawberries are in season, how long the strawberry season is, and tips for picking, storing and enjoying your strawberries.

Barry Williams

This is a common sight: you are eager to make your favorite strawberry dessert, so you carefully choose the most beautiful strawberries you can find at the store, but only when you bring them home and Take a bite, you're left. Wonder, "Why aren't strawberries sweet anymore?" We've all been there.

Dr. Marvin P. Pritts, a professor of horticulture at Cornell University, explains why this is so common. "When strawberries are shipped over long distances from California to New York in March, their harvests are a little shorter so they can withstand 3,000 miles. So they don't taste as good as the locals. The ripe berry is ripe in June, "he says.

So, how do you make sure the next strawberry you pick tastes irreplaceable and sweet? The answer is simple: find out when your strawberries are in season near you, so you can get fresh, tasty produce.

Stephen Cordland

When is the strawberry season?

The US Department of Agriculture said in a recent report that "from all places, the supply of strawberries in the United States generally begins to increase in the spring." It is understood that National Pick Strawberry Day is on May 20.

"Generally, strawberries are considered a 'spring' crop," says Pertz, "but now new varieties allow increased yields in summer and autumn, even in northern climates."

The story continues.

"The strawberry season in the eastern and midwestern northern states lasts from mid-May to early July," says Dr. Gail Noonic, a professor of horticulture at Iowa State University and a member of the North American Strawberry Growers Association. "Winter production occurs in southern states, such as Florida from late November to early April. In North Carolina, the strawberry season is usually from late April to early June," she adds.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, about 90% of strawberries in the United States are grown primarily in California. "California harvests from March to August, with some fruits available throughout the year, depending on the location," says Pertz. "California is a large state so they are able to target specific months for production by changing the varieties and planting dates."

How do you enhance the sweetness of strawberries? Grow your own strawberries.

One way to make sure you get the sweetest, freshest strawberry you can eat is to grow it yourself. "Strawberries adapt to many seasons, are relatively easy to grow, and are one of the first fruits of the growing season," says Nonic. "Besides, they're a bright spot in a garden after winter!"

Related: How To Make Tired Strawberry Planter

Different varieties of strawberries bear fruit throughout the growing season. Some fruits may bear fruit only in spring ("June bearing" or short day cultivars) and others in summer and autumn months (neutral day varieties). To grow their strawberries, the plants will need full sun and well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Strawberries also grow well in containers.

Buy your strawberries locally in your own garden.

Berries from local orchards will usually be picked daily to make sure they always have the latest products. "We always say that fruit tastes better than direct source," said Eckert's Inc. Says Amanda Morgan, who owns the largest family-owned and operated pick-me-up in the United States. "We believe that our strawberries are much better than the beers you buy in the store because they are picked that day. They are very fresh and you know they are not sitting in the truck or storage. Even when You buy strawberries. Our market, our staff picked berries this morning.

Marty Baldwin

When to choose strawberries.

You will know when the strawberries will be equally red and strong to pick. "It's best to look for green-red strawberries that have a green cap (botanically called calyx) that is still in place," says Morgan. Should not be. If the strawberries are very hard and hard. Partly white, this indicates that they are not ripe yet. If they are soft, then it means that they are overripe. "

Tips for choosing the sweetest strawberry

To cut strawberries, grab the stem just above the berry and pinch the stem about 3 inches above the calyx. Put a cap on each berry and wait for the strawberries to wash until you want to eat them to maintain the strength and quality of the fruit. "Berries should be harvested daily in warm temperatures and every two days in cold weather," Nonic added. To help berries last longer in hot weather, Pretts says, "Cut the berries in the morning when they are cold and put them directly in the refrigerator."

How to store strawberries in the fridge.

According to the Food Keeper app developed by the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service with Cornell University and the Food Marketing Institute, strawberries should be eaten within 2 to 3 days if refrigerated from the date of purchase or if frozen. If done, it should be eaten within 8 to 12 months. date of purchase.

If you are unable to eat fresh before your strawberries go bad, keep them for use in berry-filled desserts such as strawberry shortcakes or strawberry jams.

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